AEDP Certified Supervisors and Supervisors in Training

The best way to quickly improve your AEDP clinical skills is through AEDP Supervision . No matter where you are in your AEDP training (as long as you have taken Immersion), the feedback you get from your AEDP Supervisor as you review video-recorded client sessions together is the way most clinicians ultimately “get” AEDP – to embody it deeply, master it and make it their own

To become an AEDP Certified Therapist you must receive supervision from an AEDP Certified Supervisor or an AEDP Faculty member. Supervision hours with Supervisors in Training count towards certification only if and when the Supervisor in Training becomes certified.

Find a Supervisor!

We developed a simple way to help you find a supervisor / supervision. Simply send an email to, providing details about the supervisor or type of supervision you are seeking. Your request will be visible to every faculty member, certified supervisor, and supervisor in training. Those who have availability and meet the criteria you outlined in your email will respond directly to you. Feel free to correspond with as many prospective supervisors as you’d like until you find the right match!

Welcome to AEDP Institute’s listing of Certified Supervisors.

In addition to the Supervisors listed below,  Click here for our faculty listing -most faculty members supervise on a regular basis.

Supervisors, whether AEDP Faculty, Certified Supervisors or Supervisors in Training, are not employees of the AEDP Institute, nor is their supervision work overseen or regulated by it. These professionals’ practice of supervision, like their treatment of patients, is regulated by the licensing body that governs their specific discipline in their state, province or country. The AEDP Institute is not responsible for supervisors’ clinical or supervision practices, fee structures, communications, ethics, or the like.


Penelope Andrade, LCSW

Penelope is an AEDP Certified Therapist and Supervisor and author of Emotional Medicine Rx: Cry when you’re sad, Stop when you’re done, Feel good fast with over 40 years of experience in San Diego, CA and on Zoom. Penelope found AEDP in 2010 and knew it would be her forever therapeutic home when she discovered how elegantly AEDP integrated her decades long commitment to body-mind-spirit-relational healing and mindfulness. Of the many aspects of AEDP she treasures: being with clients in the embodied present moment, undoing aloneness, trusting those continually arising self-righting impulses, allowing love to flourish relationally, and facilitating clients’ ever increasing self-love-confidence-clarity.

As AEDP can be tricky to master, Penelope enjoys helping new AEDP learners relax into discovering how their innate gifts as therapists thrive and develop in this organic, emergent model. Penelope knows, personally, she will never be done learning AEDP as it challenges her personally and professionally to grow in the most important aspects of consciousness, love and will.  (Read More…)

Mary Androff, MD

Mary Androff, MD, is a faculty member of AEDP™ Institute. Based in Minneapolis-St Paul, Mary works in a private psychotherapy and integrative psychiatry practice and also provides psychiatric consultation for an Assertive Community Treatment team.  Her journey to AEDP began with STEM (chemistry at University of Illinois), then medicine (Washington University-St Louis), then psychiatric residency (University of Washington, Seattle), then training in psychodynamic psychotherapy alongside daily yoga and meditation practices.

Seeking a way to integrate all these threads and hoping to discover a more coherent theoretical framework, Mary found her professional home when she took the AEDP Immersion course. She went on to receive certification as an AEDP therapist in 2015 and as an AEDP supervisor in 2020.  She founded AEDP Minnesota in 2017.  She has run multiple study and consultation groups, participates as a treating clinician in the AEDP research program, teaches ES1 modules and provides individual and group AEDP supervision.


Maria Angelina, PhD

Maria Angelina, PhD, I am a clinical counselor with over 15 years counseling experience and am a certified AEDP therapist and supervisor. I work both in post-secondary and in private practice in Vancouver, B.C. My foray into the AEDP world started with my doctoral research which aimed to better understand the attachment processes within psychotherapy. Like many, I immediately found and continue to “find home” in AEDP as my therapeutic orientation. Within this modality, I have felt a deepening, a honing of skills, a grounding into self and other, a releasing into process, into relationship, a synchrony, all of which continue to feel infinitely meaningful and creative. (Read More…)

Sigal Bahat, MA

Sigal Bahat, MA is a faculty member of AEDP™ Institute and the Institute’s ambassador to the AEDP in Israel region. She teaches and supervises AEDP, in Israel, US and internationally, and leads an Israeli AEDP Core Training group. She has a private practice in Israel and also works remotely. Sigal started her career as a Dance Movement Therapist, and then completed training both as an Expressive & Creative psychotherapist, and as a Bio-energetic Analyst. She is certified and has many years of experience as a teacher of somatic-mindfulness approaches.

The Alexander Technique, The Feldenkrais Method and Authentic Movement. Meeting AEDP and Dr. Diana Fosha met a decades-long quest to actively engage the intra-intimate-connections between psyche & soma.

Sigal on AEDP: “At last I met a model that made sense to me in the deepest manner, both theoretically and clinically – (Read More…)

Timothy J. Beyer, PhD

Timothy J. Beyer, PhD, is a licensed psychologist, trainer, and consultant. Co-founder of the Center for Courageous Living in Beverly Hills, California, he has been training in and practicing AEDP for many years. With a firm belief in the power of relationships to heal, Dr. Beyer works collaboratively with clients and trainees to achieve profound and lasting results. Dr. Beyer earned a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of North Dakota, and an MA and PhD in Counseling and Educational Psychology from the University of Minnesota.

In addition to his private practice, Dr. Beyer works in the Quality Improvement Division of the County of Los Angeles, Department of Mental Health. He has many years of experience working in university and business settings providing consultation, (Read More…)

Magdalena Bluhme, LCSW

Magdalena Bluhme, LCSW is a Licensed Psychotherapist and supervisor working in private practice in the center of Stockholm, Sweden. She is a Certified AEDP therapist and an AEDP supervisor. She also has a certification in APT (Affect Phobia Therapy) and In DBR (Deep Brain Reporienting). She works mainly with individuals suffering from dissociative disorders,
complex PTSD, early attachment trauma, developmental trauma and supervises groups of psychotherapists working in the same field.

Magdalena took her first training with Diana in Paris 2013 and continue with skill training in New York, arranged core training in Stockholm. She has assisted in numerous trainings both internationally and in Sweden.

Monica Bradley, LMFT

Monica  is a Certified AEDP Therapist and Supervisor practicing in Berkeley, California. She offers individual AEDP supervision online to licensed psychotherapists in the form of Therapist-Focused Experiential Consultation.

Therapist-Focused Experiential Consultation brings the power of AEDP to psychotherapist training, utilizing present moment experience in the consultation to accelerate and deepen learning. Monica guides her consultees to lean into what’s already powerful in their work and build from there, following transformance to stay with the emergent edge of their learning.  Monica and her consultees unpack clinical moments, slow down to explore choice points, and make use of the affective and somatic experience of client, therapist, and consultant to integrate both top-down and bottom-up experience of the AEDP model. (Read More…)

Steve Carroll, MSW, LCSW

Steve Carroll, LCSW is a psychotherapist in private  practice since 1988 working with individuals, couples and  families as well as supervision/consultation for  colleagues. Prior to private practice he co-developed a  treatment unit for families experiencing child sexual  abuse, supervised a group home for adolescent girls and  supervised an outpatient therapy program for a family  service agency. He is a certified Imago therapist/ supervisor and other background training includes  psychodynamic psychotherapy, object relations, family  systems, Internal Family Systems and Focusing-Oriented  Psychotherapy. 

Steve completed AEDP’s Immersion Course with Diana  Fosha in 2008 and three years of Core Training with Eileen Russell. He has assisted in numerous Immersion Courses, ESI and II and Wired For Healing Workshop with Diana. 

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Marc Cecil, PhD

Marc is a Licensed Psychologist with over 40 years of experience in a variety of clinical and community settings, currently in private practice in Rutland, Vermont. Marc has immersed himself in AEDP since 2012 and has done extensive training and supervision with SueAnne Piliero and Ron Frederick. He has been a Lead Assistant in ES1 and an experiential assistant in several AEDP courses over the years, including traveling to Israel, where he helped launch their first Essential Skills Course. Marc has a special interest in working with complex trauma and often integrates AEDP with other experiential therapies, including ego state/parts work, EMDR, and Core Self Reclamation Therapy (CSRT). He enjoys sharing his clinical work and videos with other therapists, bringing his work to life through a story of transformation and healing, not only of his clients, but of himself and others in his life.

A frequent contributor to the AEDP Clinical Discussion Listserv and Bulletin Board for community expression and connection, Marc has a passion for sharing stories about his own AEDP experience and journey. He also has a paper on therapeutic presence in the AEDP Transformance Journal (August 2020), where he conveys his personal process and model of how he brings AEDP to life within himself and his clients. Like his clinical work, Marc uses an experiential approach to supervision which focuses on helping other clinicians integrate themselves into the therapy process and develop therapeutic presence. (Read More…)

Cammy Suk Ying Cheung, RSW

Cammy Suk Ying Cheung, RSW, received her undergraduate and masters training in Social Work at the University of Hong Kong and the University of Edinburgh, respectively. She is a registered social worker (RSW) and a certified supervisor (HKPCA) in Hong Kong. Currently, Ms. Cheung is a supervisor for school social workers in secondary school settings in a voluntary agency and an exco-member, counselor and group facilitator for the Dance With Depression Association, working with patients with depression and anxiety. Ms. Cheung specializes in treating adolescents and their families who are dealing with depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, trauma, mental illness, child abuse, suicide and family violence. She has conducted trainings in counseling and therapy in social work both in Hong Kong and China. Ms. Cheung has been in AEDP supervision and training with Danny Yeung, MD since 2006. In addition to AEDP, Ms. Cheung uses a combination of the Satir Model, (Read More…)

Victoria Cheung, MM

Victoria Cheung, MM, is a psychotherapist in private practice in Toronto. She is trained in AEDP with Danny Yeung and has been assisting in training and supervision of Hong Kong colleagues since 2005. She received her certification in AEDP in 2010.

Ms. Cheung is the co-author with Senior Faculty Member, Danny Yeung of The Rainbow After: Psychological Trauma and Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy, and the lead author of Portrait of the Soul, a work that deeply resonates with AEDP. She has written in Chinese, produced and directed sixteen educational DVDs and CDs that are instrumental to the learning and the growth of the AEDP community in Hong Kong.

Karin Dorell, MD 

Karin Dorell, MD is an Italian board certified Psychiatrist and Certified AEDP psychotherapist and supervisor currently living in Cape Town, South Africa. She completed her medical training in Milan, Italy and her Residency and Fellowship in New York City.
Over the years she worked in Emergency Psychiatry and in Community Outreach Projects as well as in private practice in New York city, London and Rome. Very early in her training she got passionate about the AEDP model that became an integral part of who she is and how she works. She is currently heading both the AEDP Italy and AEDP Africa Communities.
Over the past 3 years she has been supervising staff at the Scalabrini Refugee Center in Cape Town, South Africa where she developed a personal development curriculum for women refugees informed by the AEDP model.

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Jennifer Edlin, MFT

Jennifer Edlin, MFT  is a psychotherapist in private practice in Oakland, California, and is a Senior faculty member of AEDP™ Institute.  Jenn received her undergraduate degree from Princeton University, a JD/MBA degree from New York University and an MA in Counseling Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies. From the moment she attended her first AEDP Immersion Course, Jenn was taken by AEDP and the permission to be authentic and to use the therapist’s whole self in service of clients’ healing and transformation.

Jenn is developing AEDP theory and clinical interventions to use with dysregulated and underregulated clients, and has presented her work in 2019 in Boston, Portland and the Denver Immersion course.  In the years since she joined the AEDP Institute Faculty Jenn has been a Co-Director of the AEDP research project, (Read More…)

Molly Eldridge, LICSW

Molly is a certified AEDP Clinician and Supervisor. Known for her enthusiastic embodiment and love of sharing AEDP, Molly’s appreciation stems in part, from its emphasis on the experiential, “right here, right now” focus, coupled with its heartfelt and cogent theoretical framework. She champions capacity to embrace therapists authentic selves, encouraging them to integrate their diverse skills and approaches into the model.

Molly, like so many others, discovered her therapeutic home in AEDP and works in supervision to assist others in finding their place there too. With extensive training in AEDP beginning in 2008, Molly has taught AEDP at the Cape Cod Institute, New England Society of Trauma and Dissociation, and workshops around the US. Molly is committed to the modality and has been a part of various AEDP committees and is now chairing the 2025 AEDP Conference. (Read More…)

Shari Eliot, LCSW

Shari is a psychotherapist with over 30 years of experience, operating her private practice in New York City. Throughout her extensive career, Shari has specialized in providing individual, couples, and group psychotherapy, as well as clinical supervision offering a safe and nurturing environment for clients and supervisees. Dedicated to advancing her skills and knowledge in the field, Shari is a certified AEDP Therapist and Supervisor. Additionally, she holds certification as a psychoanalyst, enriching her therapeutic approach with a deep understanding of psychodynamic principles.

Shari’s journey with AEDP began in 2015, captivated by the transformative work presented by Diana Fosha at an AEDP Seminar. Instantly recognizing the profound impact of AEDP’s healing and non-pathologizing approach, Shari felt she had discovered her clinical home. Since then, she has been an active member of the AEDP community, assisting Immersion, Essential Skills and Advanced Skills courses. Additionally, In conjunction with AEDP Metro NYC, Shari formed an AEDP peer supervision group that has been meeting since 2018. (Read More…)

Malin Endrédi

Malin Endredi is a certified AEDP Therapist and Supervisor. Her office is in Stockholm, Sweden and nowadays online too. Malin welcomes Swedish and English speaking clients and supervisees. Malin is a member of the AEDP Sweden Program Group and one of two hosts of the AEDP Salon Stockholm/Sweden. She was a copresenter in the institute-sponsored seminar, “Transformational Synergies in AEDP, Spirituality and Psychedelics” in July, 2022.

Malin started her professional life as a clinical psychologist working with distressed parents and their dysregulated babies to help create secure attachment. After 17 years she took a Swedish attachment, relational and emotion focused psychotherapist training. That’s where Malin, through an APA video, first encountered Diana’s ways of working and AEDP and it all clicked.

She became devoted and crossed the Atlantic many times to attend trainings and assisting internationally (Read More…)

Eileen A Epstein, Phd, LCSW, LCSW-C, LCSW-R

Eileen is an AEDP Certified Therapist and Supervisor. Coming into AEDP with a Certification in Psychoanalysis, she jumped into IMM in 2010.  She is a licensed Clinical Social Worker in Maryland, New York, and New Jersey. She provides AEDP Therapy and Supervision via ZOOM. She conducts AEDP Supervision for individuals and groups. Supervision deepens learning, experience, skill building and camaraderie. Eileen has been a member of the weekly AEDP Research Group since its inception in 2017 under the guidance of Diana Fosha. Partaking in this group is not only skill-building in AEDP treatment, but in supervisory acumen  par excellence as well.
I welcome supervisees at every level of AEDP training. It is my honor and privilege to work with you.

Goretti Faria, MSW, RCSW, CCC

Goretti is a certified AEDP Therapist and Supervisor who practices as a Registered Clinical Social Worker in British Columbia and Ontario, Canada. She attained her Master of Social Work degree from McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, and brings over 30 years of experience from community mental health settings and private practice.

Goretti’s expertise lies in psychodynamic psychotherapy, family systems therapy, EMDR, and Internal Family Systems. Embracing AEDP in 2014, she has contributed significantly to numerous ES1 and ES2 courses globally, serving as both assistant and Lead Assistant. Until recently, while actively involved with AEDP Vancouver, Goretti was dedicated to championing the growth of AEDP in Vancouver and its environs. In addition to her clinical work, she offers individual and group supervision services. (Read More…)

Matt Fried, MA, Ph.D., MFA

Matt is a certified AEDP Therapist and Supervisor who holds a special interest in moment-to-moment tracking, verbal and non-verbal communication, relationship dynamics, and portrayal work. He has led AEDP supervision groups and presented AEDP in various therapy training settings, including the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy and the Mid-Hudson Chapter of the NY State Society for Clinical Social Work.

In private practice in Manhattan and Delaware County, NY, Matt works with individuals, groups, and couples while supervising therapists learning AEDP. He endeavors to teach his supervisees patience, self-awareness, self-acceptance, relationship dynamics, working with the body, and the recognition and validation of transformational states. Matt loves supervising therapists and helping them grow.
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Heidi Frieze

Heidi Frieze, LCSW is a certified AEDP therapist and supervisor. She is currently in private practice near Grand Central Station in New York City, and in Westchester, NY, where she treats both individual adults and couples. Heidi earned her Masters Degree in Clinical Social Work from Fordham University in 2004.

She participated in Diana Fosha’s first AEDP Immersion Course and completed one year of Core training with Diana. Over the years, Heidi has been in individual supervision with Eileen Russell and SueAnne Piliero and small group supervision with Ben Lipton. Heidi has assisted SueAnne in two previous Essential Skills I Training Courses in NYC and in a number of immersion courses.

She also assisted Diana Fosha at a weekend workshop at the Kripalu Center in the Berkshires, MA. Prior to becoming a psychotherapist, (Read More…)

Liza Greville, LCSW

Liza is a Certified AEDP Therapist and Supervisor in private practice in Kane, Pennsylvania. She offers individual therapy to adults in Pennsylvania, New York and Montana, as well as individual and group consultation.

Liza was introduced to AEDP in 2016, immediately struck by the ‘art of therapy’ that bridges the brilliant complexity of AEDP theory and the simplicity yet potency of the interventions. She remains ever-curious, especially interested in clinical creativity, pragmatism and presence.

Similarly, Liza seeks to join consultees in an affirming and active learning process that integrates left-brain rigor and right-brain perceptivity. She works with consultees to build skills that deepen experiential processes, to understand AEDP’s 9+1 affective change mechanisms, and to expand naturalness of use of Self. She welcomes therapists new to the model, as well as those with more experience and seeking certification. (Read More…)

Niv Gross

Niv is a clinical psychologist in private practice in Mevasseret-Zion and Srigim, Israel, and a certified AEDP therapist and supervisor. Niv teaches AEDP courses across Israel and leads various supervision and experiential-learning groups alongside private supervision sessions.

As a member of the Israeli AEDP Steering Committee, he contributes to advancing AEDP practice and community development in Israel. Niv, a father of four, enjoys spending time with his family and friends, as well as cooking, growing succulents, trekking, sports, history, and reading.

Richard Harrison, PhD

Richard Harrison, PhD, is a faculty member of AEDP™ Institute and a Registered Psychologist with over 25 years’ experience as a clinician and teacher. He was trained and supervised in AEDP by Diana Fosha, founder of the model. He is a Certified Supervisor in both AEDP and EFT. Richard teaches and supervises graduate students in the Counseling Psychology and Psychiatry departments at the University of British Columbia, and maintains a full clinical caseload with individuals and couples in private practice in Vancouver.

Richard has authored peer-reviewed publications on AEDP theory and practice; attachment-informed supervision; and therapist self-care; including a 2020 article in Psychotherapy on “Termination in 16-session

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Hilary Jacobs Hendel, LCSW

Hilary Jacobs Hendel, LCSW, is author of the international award-winning book, It’s Not Always Depression: Working the Change Triangle to Listen to the Body, Discover Core Emotions, and Connect to Your Authentic Self (Random House). She received her B.A. in biochemistry from Wesleyan University and a DDS from Columbia University. The education at Columbia included neuroscience, which was so relevant in understanding why AEDP is effective.

Hilary received an MSW from Fordham University. She is a certified psychoanalyst and AEDP psychotherapist and supervisor. Hilary has published articles in The New York Times, TIME, NBC Think, and Oprah, and her blog is read worldwide.

Hilary has been involved in the AEDP community since 2004. She first heard Diana Fosha present at a conference on Affect Regulation in 2003. Other major influences were AEDP Faculty members Benjamin Lipton, LCSW, Eileen Russell, PhD, and Natasha Prenn, LCSW with whom she attended the 2004 AEDP Immersion Course. (Read More…)

Lia Jones, LMFT

Lia Jones, LMFT is a certified Therapist and Supervisor in both AEDP and EFT in Denver, Colorado. She has worked with children and families experiencing homelessness in non-profit mental health services and has been in private practice since 1998.. Lia has served as both an assistant and Lead Assistant at multiple Immersion and Essential Skills trainings and helms multi-faculty core training groups in Denver. She teaches core training modules, introductions to and specific topics on AEDP to professional and student communities.

Lia is the founder of AEDP Rocky Mountains, a community group that sponsors AEDP workshops and community lunch and learns for practitioners learning the AEDP model. In addition to her practice, community work, and teaching, she offers group and individual supervision live and online. Lia has been delighting in AEDP since the 2003 Immersion followed by three years (Read More…)

Amie Karp, LCSW-R

Amie Karp, LCSW-R is a Certified AEDP Therapist and Supervisor in New York City. She is the Clinical Director of Crime Victims Treatment Center (CVTC), New York State’s oldest rape crisis program, providing trauma-focused therapy free of charge to survivors of interpersonal violence. Amie specializes in work with survivors of childhood sexual abuse with a particular interest in dissociative processes and ego state integration. One of Amie’s greatest sources of pride is establishing AEDP as CVTC’s central model of practice for its clinical team, allowing survivors who would otherwise be unable to access any support at all to receive the highest caliber of care. In her role, Amie has had the privilege of supervising dozens of clinicians learning AEDP, from graduate student interns to therapists with decades of experience. 

Amie has been a student of AEDP since the earliest moments of her career, participating in the inaugural Essential Skills course in 2010. In addition to her training in AEDP,  Amie is a graduate of the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy’s Trauma Studies Center two-year post-master’s program. She has completed certification in the Safe and Sound Protocol, post-graduate training in Affective Neuroscience and the Neurobiology of Attachment and training EMDR. Amie received her Master’s in Social Work from New York University and her undergraduate degree in Psychology from Vassar College. 

Joanna M. Berrio Kipnis, LCSW

Joanna is a Colombian, multi-racial, licensed clinical social worker, with over 20 years of experience as a psychotherapist. Joanna has an online practice, works with supervisees worldwide, leads supervision groups, with a special interest in leading BIPOC supervision groups, and sees clients located in New York and Colorado.  Joanna started her career as an activist in New York, and as a therapist has specialized as a complex trauma therapist working with refugees, immigrants, queer and trans communities, and other victims of crimes. Today she works mainly with people who hold healing spaces for others.

Joanna’s AEDP journey began in NYC over a decade ago; and she has come to respect, to love and to integrate AEDP’s principles in her professional and personal lives as a way of being with others, not just as a model. AEDP’s transformational framework is not just at the heart of her clinical work with clients and with supervisees, it’s also foundational in the anti-oppression work she does. (Read More…)

Simone Levey, Ph.D

Simone, is a registered Clinical Psychologist and she lives in Toronto, Canada. She is a certified AEDP supervisor and she currently offers group supervision virtually. In addition to her training in AEDP, Dr. Levey has many years of training and experience practicing Relational Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (STDP), and she trained in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy.

Dr. Levey received her Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from Columbia University and her doctorate in Clinical Psychology from The Derner Institute of Advanced Psychological Studies, Adelphi University. She brings almost two decades of experience working with children, adolescents, adults and families, working at various levels of the mental health system, including in emergency rooms, psychiatric inpatient and outpatient hospital settings, and in schools. Dr. Levey is the co-founder of RENNI in Toronto, Canada, which is a multidisciplinary clinic dedicated to the treatment and healing of mind and body. (Read More…)

Leonora Lorenzo, LCSW

Leonora  is in private practice in Santa Fe, NM. She been part of the  AEDP community since 2010 and has assisted in myriad AEDP trainings over the years. Leonora is also a hands on bodyworker practicing Biodynamic Cranio-Sacral therapy  and a lesser known but amazing modality called Ortho-Bionomy.  Her decades of combined  psychotherapeutic and bodywork experience have equipped her with a special  kind of  sensitivity and attunement which she brings to both her clinical and supervisory practice.  

Leonora is deeply fascinated by the marriage and mutually influencing impact of communication  skills and relational skills. Humans are communicating and relating all the time, and the better  we get at each, the more our clients, our lives and all people benefit. She has taught communication  skills for many years at a local bodywork school and has taught both NVC and Re-Evaluation  Co-Counseling over the years. Both of these practices have deeply influenced her clinical practice.

Leonora also has a love of comedy and brings a big dose of humor into her practices, believing that  it is not only good to laugh till you cry, but also to cry till you laugh!  Please contact her about times and availability for AEDP supervision.

Mary Anne Lowell, LCSW

Mary Anne is a certified AEDP psychotherapist and supervisor. After graduating from New York University, she obtained certification as a psychoanalyst and supervising analyst at the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy in New York City. She was also a certified yoga teacher with a focus on integrating the two disciplines in her psychotherapeutic work. Her first contact with AEDP was at a Friday afternoon presentation by AEDP therapists at Mt. Sinai Hospital. The warmth of the community and their highly-skilled transformative work served as motivation for her to seek further training. (Read More…)

Miriam Marsolais, PhD

Miriam Marsolais, PhD, is a licensed psychologist and Jungian Analyst in Berkeley, California.  She served as AEDP Faculty from 2014 until  2018, when she transitioned to her current role as AEDP Faculty Emerita & Supervisor. In addition to her private clinical practice, Dr. Marsolais provides supervision to therapists wishing to train in AEDP and the certified AEDP therapists on the Supervisor Certification track. In supervision Miriam emphasizes moment-to-moment awareness of patients’ and supervisees’ internal states, both during therapy sessions and while watching clinical video.  In this way supervisees learn to recognize how their own internal states affect their clinical responses.  They develop skills needed to employ the most effective AEDP interventions moment-to-moment in each stage of AEDP therapy

As a young adult Dr. Marsolais performed as a violinist, was a nun and taught high school science and mathematics. Following a near-fatal burn injury, her life took a major turn and her passions were redirected towards the study of history,psychology and Eastern (Read More…)

Annika Medbo, Licensed Psychotherapist

Annika Medbo, is an Adjunct faculty member of AEDP™ Institute, Licensed Psychotherapist, Licensed Physiotherapist, AEDP Certified Supervisor and teacher. She has a private practice in Stockholm. Annika´s clinical interests are in trauma and dissociation with a special interest in the use and development of non-verbal processes that can work to enhance and facilitate growth and healing. This interest started before AEDP when Annika was working in psychiatric clinics and striving to meet her patients “beyond diagnosis”, listen to the nonverbal “calls” for connection, rather than focusing on defences and pathology. Her interest for nonverbal processes expanded when she supervised psychotherapy students in Infant Observation at a major Psychotherapy Institute in Stockholm.

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Gabriela Pessoa-Mendes, BA

Gabriela is an AEDP certified clinical Psychologist and Supervisor. She has been dedicated to studying AEDP in Brazil since 2008, but it was through in-person courses in NY – Immersion (2013), ES1 (2016/ 2017) and Advanced Skills (2017/ 2018) – that she became even more delighted with the practice of the model. “Listening to Diana, it became clear to me that I was delighted beyond a model of therapy; it resonated with who I am in life.” Gabi brings an embodied AEDP presence to her work – a sense of safety, openness, curiosity, and genuine care to her clients and supervisees. Her expertise in working with trauma in psychotherapy, or doing supervision, shines through her focus on the bottom-up experience – privileging relational and somatic/emotional work.

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Michael Mondoro, LCSW

Michael Mondoro is a Certified AEDP Therapist, a Certified AEDP Supervisor, an Intra-Relational AEDP parts work enthusiast, a trauma and trauma-related dissociation specialist, a member of the AEDP Institute Education Committee, a participating certification supervisor in the AEDP Institute BIPOC Therapist Initiative, and an active member of the AEDP community since 2012.

Michael is dedicated to helping individuals who have experienced relational trauma, PTSD and complex PTSD to securely connect, heal, and flourish in life. As someone who has experienced the profound benefits of post-traumatic growth and is a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, complex, relational trauma work is near and dear to his heart

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Molly Morgan, LCSW

Molly is licensed in New York and Connecticut and currently lives in Cornwall, CT. She offers individual and group supervision via Zoom. She began studying AEDP with the inaugural Essential Skills course in 2010, was supervised by Diana Fosha for four years, and trained to be an AEDP supervisor with Natasha Prenn. She assisted at NYC Essential Skills courses from 2012 to 2017. Her article, “How to Be an AEDP Supervisee: Prepare to Be Transformed” was published in the Fall, 2017 issue of Transformance.

Molly is a passionate life-long learner. While AEDP is her clinical home base, she has studied a range of experiential modalities which she incorporates into her practice, including EMDR, EFT, IFS, Positive Psychology, Kripalu Yoga, and Accelerated Resolution Therapy. She currently is studying DNMS (Developmental Needs Meeting Strategy), an ego-state model that (Read More…)

Yuval Moses, LCSW-R

Yuval Moses, LCSW-R, is a Registered Clinical Social Worker in NY and a certified AEDP therapist and Supervisor. Yuval’s psychotherapy practice is based in NYC and he provides remote supervision and trainings nationally and internationally. Before founding his private practice and training program Yuval worked predominantly in the non-for-profit world.

After years of working in the foster care field, Yuval became a clinical supervisor at the Crime Victims Treatment Center where he specialized in the treatment of adults experiencing Dissociative Disorders and Complex PTSD, especially as these presentations relate to childhood sexual abuse and other traumatic childhood experiences. It was during his work at the Crime Victims Treatment Center that he encountered AEDP and it very quickly became his therapeutic home. (Read More…)

Neta Ofer profile pic

Netta Ofer

Netta Ofer is an Educational Psychologist and a certified AEDP supervisor. Netta started (informally) practicing and teaching AEDP in 2006 and laid the first milestones in establishing the Israeli AEDP
community, supervising and teaching for many years many of which are now part of the Israeli assistant team. In 2011 together with prof. Esther Cohen, Ofer Maurer and Osnat Cohen Ganor, she helped establish the cooperation between the AEDP institute and The IDC “New School of Psychotherapy” and was the first ambassador of the AEDP Institute to Israel.

Today Netta is a senior faculty in the “New School of Psychotherapy” in the IDC and Geha Hospital, where she teaches courses in AEDP and in the treatment of complex trauma as well as supervises groups and individuals. (Read More…)

Jenna Osiason, PhD

Jenna Osiason, PhD, is a licensed clinical psychologist and AEDP Supervisor who was a founding member of AEDP Institute and served as Senior Faculty from 2004 until  2021 when she transitioned to her current role as AEDP Faculty Emerita. She began short-term psychotherapy training at the Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy Institute of Denville, New Jersey, training in Accelerated Emphatic Therapy. She has been working with Dr. Fosha since 1992 analyzing videotaped psychotherapy sessions, focusing on the use of empathy to restructure defenses. This work has lead to the rich development of AEDP techniques to facilitate treatment and enhance access to core affect, strengthen the experience of self-regulation, and deepen self/other bonds. Dr. Osiason has given workshops on AEDP to mental health sites throughout New York City. (Read More…)

Elizabeth Perkins, LMFT

Elizabeth Perkins, LMFT Liz is in private practice in San Diego, California. She is a Certified AEDP Therapist and Certified AEDP Supervisor. She specializes in Complex PTSD, chronic Depression and Psychedelic integration. Liz thrives on fine-tuning her skills in her own individual supervision and while supervising others. Liz feels that AEDP has been responsible for her most memorable and meaningful breakthrough moments in sessions.

When supervising others, she loves supporting the therapist in finding their AEDP style within the theory. She is also passionate about investigating all paths to transformational healing and has been avidly researching the intersections and parallels of AEDP  & psychedelic-assisted therapy. She is MAPS trained, a member of the AEDP & MDMA Research Committee, and a founding member of the AEDP & Psychedelics Committee. In addition, she has trained in Holotropic breathwork and TRE.

Regina Pontes

Regina Pontes, MS

Regina Pontes, MS and AEDP Certified Supervisor has devoted her professional life to psychotherapy and the understanding of emotions and how they can lead to transformative life-changing experiences. She is a professor, clinical psychologist and supervisor, and couples therapist. Since 1992, Ms. Pontes has been a professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro’s Psychology Department (PUC) teaching Psychotherapy, Psychological Assessment and Clinical Training. Alongside her academic journey she worked for 20 years at the Santa Casa da Misericórdia General Hospital of Rio de Janeiro in the Psychiatric Service of the Psychotherapy Department, leading psychotherapy group sessions, teaching Brief Dynamic Psychotherapy and working with individual and group clinical treatments. She has also extensive training in Somatic Experiencing and Mindfulness Instructor from Mindfulness Training International. (Read More…)

Esther Poon, MFT

Esther Poon, MFT is a Certified AEDP Therapist and Supervisor in private practice in Hong Kong.  She has been in AEDP supervision and training with Danny Yeung, MD since 2008. She became certified as an AEDP therapist in 2013 and as a Supervisor in 2018.  She is the Pre-Clinical Member of AAMFT, Certified Clinical Supervisor both in Hong Kong Marriage and Family Therapy Association and Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association.  She has also been the clinical supervisor in the City University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Baptist University. She is the founder of a trauma healing centre in Hong Kong, specialized in treating clients with depression and anxiety, particularly those with relational trauma and emotional hurts.  As a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP®) with Marriage & Family Therapy training, Esther strives to integrate the concepts and skills in working with individuals and families in affect regulations, strengthening attachment bonding and facilitating growth and healing.  She also has the passion to share with clinicians the healing power of AEDP and help the growth of AEDP in Chinese community.

Kelly Prothero, LCSW

Kelly Prothero, LCSW, is a psychotherapist with a private practice in Portland, Oregon. After earning her graduate degree from Smith College School for Social Work, Kelly worked in community mental health settings in New York City.

After moving to the West Coast in 2011, Kelly was introduced to AEDP and became quickly drawn to the healing potential of the AEDP model. Kelly went on to become a Certified AEDP Therapist and Supervisor under the mentorship and supervision of SueAnne Piliero, Jenna Osiason, Karen Pando-Mars and Jerry Lamagna.

Kelly has assisted in numerous Essential Skills and Core Training courses throughout the country. She has been instrumental in forming and developing Portland AEDP, a group committed to the development and growth of AEDP in Portland and surrounding areas. In addition to her clinical practice, Kelly brings over 20 years of yoga experience to her work. She is a certified yoga teacher and studied Yoga Nidra meditation extensively with psychologist, Dr. Richard Miller. It was her background in yoga that opened Kelly to the experiential and transformational healing aspects of AEDP.

Kelly brings warmth, humor and authenticity to her work as both an AEDP Therapist and Supervisor. Her clinical interests include treating trauma and dissociation and using “intra-relational” and bold relational clinical methods to facilitate transformational

Idit Ronen-Setter, MFT

Idit Ronen-Setter, MFT is a certified AEDP therapist and supervisor, working in Israel. Idit has received her MA and Family Therapy Certification from Tel Aviv University and has practiced therapy with individuals, couples and families, in Aluma Therapy Center and private practice, since 2006. She completed the certified studies of treatment of stress and trauma, at The Trauma Center (Boston, MA), directed by Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk (2013-2014).

Nowadays, Idit is teaching family therapy and AEDP through the Ministry of Social Services, and through the Israeli Association of Couples and Family Therapy. Since June 2018, Idit has been appointed the formal AEDP liaison for the Israeli community. In addition, since 2015 she is supervising a medical forum for couples (Read More…)

Judy Silberstein, LCSW 

Judy has been an experiential therapist in private practice for over 35 years. She is a Certified AEDP Therapist, a Certified AEDP Supervisor, an avid explorer of intra-relational parts work, active imagining and CSRT. She continues to be inspired by the model since she studied with Diana Fosha in 2011. Judy offers individual psychotherapy for chronic relational trauma and PTSD, online and in-person in NYC. As a clinical consultant she loves helping consultees be courageous and curious in their work with clients, their client’s parts as well as their own!

Judy has explored various experiential learnings which she weaves into AEDP. She is a Certified Bioenergetic Therapist and Supervisor, actively using body-mind processes in the therapy dyad. She has trained extensively in Psychodrama, Internal Family Systems and EMDR – Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy, and CRM – Comprehensive Resource Modeling. (Read More…)

Judy Silvan, LICSW, LCSW

Judy Silvan LICSW, LCSW, she/her is an early AEDP enthusiast and a licensed U.S. psychotherapist in Massachusetts and California. Judy is Certified as an AEDP Supervisor & Therapist, as well as in Bioenergetic Analysis and Mindfulness in Psychotherapy.  She’s been an Experiential Assistant in AEDP courses since 2010, and has treated over ten patients​ as part of the AEDP Research Project. Most of her research patients have presented with symptoms from serious complexities in their histories, many including sexual traumas​.  Her passion for practicing, supervising and teaching AEDP runs deep: She recently taught a five week AEDP seminar series to Harvard Medical School Psychiatry Interns, and another workshop to m​embers of AEDP Africa Regional Community​ in South Africa.

She has presented ​on the topic of AEDP and the treatment of sexual trauma in complex PTSD in several of Diana Fosha’s Immersion courses and seminars.  Judy continues her own clinical training in the area of Psychedelics to enhance emotional healing with AEDP, and in a Certification Program for Executive Coaching.

Emerging ways of un-doing oppression in racism, gender, family composition, neurodiversity and other under-celebrated human contingencies build Judy’s activist value base. Reach out to connect with Judy through her website:

Jessica Slatus, LCSW

Jessica Slatus, LCSW is a Certified AEDP Therapist and Supervisor in Colorado.  She is an integral part of the AEDP Rocky Mountains community and has presented locally on a number of topics within AEDP, including the AEDP therapist stance, working with anxiety and defenses, building receptive affective capacity, and metaprocessing.  More recently, she has focused on writing and teaching about working with eating disorders using AEDP, and has authored two publications on the topic: an article in Transformance, the AEDP journal, and a book chapter co-authored with Natasha Prenn in the book Trauma-Informed Approaches to Eating Disorders.Jessica received her Bachelor of Arts from Vassar College, her Masters in Social Work from New York University, and her post-graduate training in eating disorders at the Center for the Study of Anorexia & Bulimia (CSAB).  Jessica was a participant in the inaugural AEDP Essential Skills course in 2010 and has not looked back since! (Read More…)

Maria Candida Soares

Maria Candida S. Soares

Maria Candida S. Soares holds a psychology degree from PUC-RJ (1973). She initiated her clinical training at IBRAPSI (Brazilian Institute for Psychoanalysis, Groups and Institutions), attending adults in her private practice. In the 1990’s she felt the need for new sources of tools and theories, and, therefore, studied Brief Psychotherapy based on ISTDP and more specifically, the Leigh McCullough’s theory, and graduated from the Department of Psychiatry at Santa Casa da Misericordia Hospital in Rio de Janeiro (1998). After graduation from this course, she became part of the staff as teacher and supervisor and conducted therapeutic groups for eating disorders and unemployed people. Her first encounter with AEDP happened when Diana Fosha came to Brazil to facilitate a workshop in 2000. The focus on the relational dyad, the clear picture of emotional moments expressed during the session and the (Read More…)

Kaori Stram, LMHC

Kaori Stram, LMHC is a certified AEDP therapist and supervisor. She is a licensed psychotherapist in private practice in New York.  Her AEDP journey started in 2014 when she was first introduced to the work of Yuko Hanakawa and attracted to its warm heart-to-heart connection between a therapist and a client.  She has assisted many courses in-person and online as an experiential assistant and lead assistant.  Since 2021, she has presented at Immersion and ES1 courses as well as trained Japanese therapists in Japan.

Kaori is also participating in an AEDP 16-session research project as a treating therapist.

Her passion is to help spread AEDP to Japan where she originally comes from and has been actively involved in the AEDP Japanese community.

Anna Christina Sundgren, MA 

Anna Christina Sundgren, MA is a faculty member of AEDP™ Institute, a Licensed Psychotherapist, teacher and Supervisor. She has been in private practice in Stockholm, Sweden for more than 20 years. Anna Christina became a certified AEDP-therapist in 2015, and an AEDP Supervisor in 2016. She studied Jungian Psychology, is trained in Short-term Dynamic Therapy and is a Mindfulness Instructor and retreat leader.

Anna Christina has worked with group- and individual therapy for male perpetrators in domestic violence treatment. She co-developed and supervised a relational Infant Observation method inspired from AEDP to help therapy students develop their sense of non-verbal communication. She has assisted in Immersion and Essential Skills courses as well as presenting her own work. (Read More…)

Martina Verba, LCSW, DSW

Martina Verba, LCSW, DSW is a certified AEDP therapist and supervisor in private practice in Westchester County, NY. She fell in love with AEDP when she took Diana’s Immersion course in 2008. She has both assisted and lead-assisted for Immersion and Essential Skills, as well as presented at Immersion. She has extensive experience working with patients with eating disorders and has developed a practice that integrates eating disorder treatment and AEDP. She is on the faculty of the Integrative Trauma Treatment Program at the National Institute of Psychotherapies.

Prior to finding AEDP, Martina worked as an eating disorder specialist at Kaiser Permanente in Northern California, a staff therapist at Harvard University’s mental health service, an adjunct professor at Simmons College, and the Director of Counseling at a program for at-risk youth in Boston. (Read More…)

Judy Wong, MFT

Judy Wong, MFT, was deeply inspired by and found much resonance with AEDP Senior Faculty Member Danny Yeung’s work when attending the 2006 Hong Kong Immersion course. In 2007, she participated in Danny Yeung’s first Core Training group and since 2009 has been a peer supervision facilitator for Hong Kong Core Trainings. Through these years of AEDP exposure, Ms. Wong’s clinical repertoire has been deeply enriched and expanded. With previous training in Marriage & Family Therapy, Somatic Experiencing and mindfulness, it is natural for her to integrate her knowledge and skills in AEDP in working with individuals and couples for affect regulation, deepening attachment bond between members of couples, enhancing self reflective capacity and neural integration. Ms. Wong shares the vision and passion of disseminating AEDP in China. She is especially interested in working with complex trauma in mainland China, focusing on fine tuning AEDP with the recognition of their distinct history and cultural features.

Catherine Wong, RSW

Catherine Wong, RSW, is a certified family therapist and clinical supervisor in private practice with over 26 years counseling experience working with individuals, families, couples and children and 13 years supervision experience offering both individual
and group supervision for clinicians and social workers. Catherine is also a Clinical Supervisor in the Social Work Department of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Her clinical background includes training in Moment by Moment Reconnecting
Marital & Family Therapy, Satir Model, Structural Family Therapy, Bowen Family Therapy, Play Therapy, Emotion-Focused Couples Therapy, Hypnotherapy , EMDR and Somatic Experiencing. Her curiosity to understand how clinicians, using a co-
created therapeutic relationship as a safe and secure base, can work with emotional experience experientially toward healing and transformation is what led her to AEDP. (Read More…)

Kwok Wing Wu

Kwok Wing Wu is a registered clinical psychologist working for the Mental Health Association of Hong Kong. Inspired by the work of Dr. Fosha, he has received five-years of advanced training in AEDP with Dr. Yeung. He worked closely with Dr. Yeung and his colleagues to establish the first centre based AEDP service in Hong Kong that serves the local Chinese community. With tremendous support from the MHAHK, he coordinated all trainings, supervision, services and publications in Hong Kong. The journey of his learning in AEDP reached a climax in 2010 when Dr. Fosha came to Hong Kong. From her direct teaching, he further developed a deep sense of trust with the essence of AEDP, experiencing a sense of coming home in the journey of his work in psychotherapy.

H. Jacquie Ye-Perman, PhD 

Jacquie Ye-Perman, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist, Adjunct Faculty of the AEDP™ Institute, certified AEDP Therapist and Supervisor. She is also a member of the AEDP DBEI (Diversity, Belonging, Equity and Inclusion) Committee and the AEDP International Development Committee.

Jacquie grew up in China. She obtained her master’s in Social and Developmental Psychology at Wilfred Laurier University in Waterloo, Canada and her PhD in counseling psychology at University of Florida, USA. She attended her first AEDP Immersion course in 2013 and started receiving supervision from Dr. Diana Fosha soon after. In 2015 she assisted helming the first Immersion course in Shanghai, China, taught by Dr. Diana Fosha and Dr. Danny Yeung. Over the past eight years she has co-taught Immersion, Essential Skills, Core-training courses, and led several other AEDP training in the Chinese-speaking communities and later in English-speaking communities. She also provides individual and group supervision for trainees internationally. (Read More…)

Bob Yip Mang Sau

Bob Yip Mang Sau is a Certified AEDP Therapist and Supervisor based in Hong Kong. Bob has been a dedicated psychotherapist for over 45 years in the Chinese community with a wealth of experience in helping individuals, couples, and families as well as providing training and supervision to social workers, pastors and other helping professionals. Bob is also a Certified Counselor, an Approved Counseling Supervisor and fellow member recognized by The Hong Kong Professional Counseling Association.

Aside from his private practice, Bob was an Adjunct Professor at various Theological Seminaries in Hong Kong, where he taught courses on Attachment and Spirituality Formation. He also taught counseling courses at various tertiary institutions in Hong Kong, and conducted training programs for different organizations over the years. Bob is passionate about sharing AEDP’s essences via his training workshops. (Read More…)

Supervisors in Training

Jamie Bachman, LCSW

Jamie is a Certified AEDP Therapist and Supervisor-in-Training, Certified EFT Therapist and Supervisor. He has been in clinical practice for more than 20 years, and has provided clinical supervision for 18 years. He serves individuals, couples and families through his online private practice. Having completed a Masters in Education from NYU as well as his MSW from Smith College, Jamie really loves focusing on how people learn to become skillful psychotherapists. He completed a Deliberate Practice Supervision Residency with Tony Rousmaniere and Alex Vaz, and has worked with deliberate practice exercises in AEDP and EFT supervision. He facilitates supervision groups, and has taught a number of courses over the past 15 years, including courses on Attachment Theory and Trauma. 

Jamie has served on the adjunct faculty at UC Berkeley’s MSW program, where he taught Family Therapy and Theory in Practice courses, and also on the faculty of the Psychotherapy Institute’s (TPI) Supervision Studies Program. In addition, he was a supervisor for TPI’s Post-Graduate Training Program. Jamie is a former Clinical Supervisor and Manager at Pathways Hospice, where he worked for twelve years. He also has served on the Diversity Committee of the International Center for Excellence in EFT (ICEEFT). 

Emily Bilbao, LCSW

Emily Bilbao, LCSW

Emily is a Certified AEDP Therapist and is in the process of becoming a Certified AEDP Supervisor. She received her Master’s degree from Smith College School for Social Work in 2004 and has been practicing as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker since.

Much of her work is focused on Queer and non-binary Individuals and couples. She is also a certified Psilocybin Facilitator in Oregon and is a Co-Founder of the Institutes AEDP & Psychedelics Committee. She teaches seminars for the AEDP Institute and has presented her work at Immersion. She is a research therapist with AEDP’s 16 Session Research Project. She a member of the Portland AEDP Steering Committee and coordinates in person training opportunities and events locally.

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Mark Green, MD

Mark is a psychiatrist – originally from London, now in Boston – specialising in addictions and psychedelic therapies. After residency and fellowships at Cornell, he conducted neurobiology research in stress at Rockefeller University and then was a harm reductionist addictions specialist and psychopharmacologist, running programs big and small (from state-wide to boutique dual disorders programs ). He has been faculty at Harvard, Cornell and Vermont and trained at every level in evidence based therapies and psychedelic assisted therapies, and more. He has lectured nationally in these areas as well as AEDP Institute (AEDP and ketamine) and published on AEDP and addictions in the Transformance journal. 

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Michelle Kehn, PhD, ABPP

Michelle is a Certified AEDP therapist and is in the process of becoming a Certified AEDP Supervisor. She is based in Denver, CO, working as a full-time psychologist at the VA Rocky Mountain Medical Center in Aurora. In addition, she has a small private practice devoted primarily to older adults and healthcare workers. Her journey to AEDP began while she was still in graduate school in NYC in 2007 when she was introduced to AEDP surreptitiously while working on a research project at a public hospital. She was hooked, and although taking a longer road, has continued to make her way through the AEDP journey throughout her career.

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Melissa Kehoe, MA, LPC, LCPC, LMHC

Melissa Kehoe, MA, LPC, LCPC, LMHC is a certified AEDP therapist, AEDP supervisor-in-training, and clinical supervisor with a private practice serving Washington, Kansas, and Missouri. She is deeply committed to helping adults navigate life’s challenges, cultivate emotional resilience, and create lasting change. Clients and supervisees alike find her to be a compassionate, skilled therapist who offers a safe, supportive, and collaborative space for healing, growth, and self-discovery.Melissa came to AEDP through her own healing process.  She is passionate about helping others find their true self.  Over the years, she has studied AEDP under the guidance of Lia Jones, Jenn Edlin, Kari Gleiser, and Dale Trimble.  Additionally, Melissa has assisted at AEDP Institute trainings as an Experiential Assistant.

Richard Somerset, RCC

Richard first learned of AEDP in 2011 and attended an introductory course led by Dr. Diana Fosha and Ben Lipton in Vancouver, BC. Their expert training and videos were incredibly moving, resonating deeply with Richard. In one session, Dale Trimble spoke with such passion, conviction, and emotion, rarely shown by men which allowed Richard to fully be himself, not only in those sessions but in the years since. Meeting Dale remains one of Richard’s most fortunate personal and professional experiences.

For the past eight years, Richard has provided supervision to students in their internships and licensed therapists for ongoing support. This work is very rewarding, witnessing therapists grow and enhance their confidence and professional skills. He was approached years ago to be an EA for the Essential Skills courses, a role he truly loves and maintains a regular schedule supporting the AEDP community by being an Experiential Assistant in Essential Skills and Advanced Skills courses. Richard is excited to have been accepted into the AEDP Supervisor in Training program and look forward to supporting therapists in their AEDP journey and certification.

Richard is a life-long learner with education both within Canada and abroad. He has attained distinctions as a Certified AEDP Therapist, Certified EMDR Therapist, Certified Trauma Therapist, Addictions Counsellor, and Couples Counsellor and looks forward to supporting you in your journey.

You can learn more about Richard at and to book a supervisor session, please contact him at

Jason Trowbridge, MFT

Jason Trowbridge is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a certified AEDP therapist practicing in the San Francisco Bay Area. He has participated in the AEDP community as a research therapist in the AEDP Research Study, an instructor for the “AEDP, Spirituality and Psychedelics” course, a collaborator in a partnership between the AEDP Institute and MAPS, and a guest instructor at Essential Skills.  

In addition to his work with individuals, Jason also works with couples utilizing an attachment-based, experiential approach informed by AEDP (AEDPfC) and his experience as an EFT Therapist and Supervisor.