Presented by Annika Medbo, Licensed Psychotherapist
and AEDP Institute Adjunct Faculty Member
Course Option (counts toward certification) | Includes Experiential Work
4-days: Friday thru Monday | July 19 – 22, 2024
Advanced Seminar Option (does not count toward certification) | Didactic Only
2-days: Friday & Sunday | July 19, 2024 + 21
How do we reach clients who are stuck in hopelessness, fear, and anxiety, who have lost their inner compass, and their felt sense of ME? This course will explore the process of bringing patients from a sense of no self to a discovery of core self.
Course Description:
This course addresses healing those who have had to exclude their feelings, and their need of another, or are stuck in the belief that they will never be able to connect in a deeper way. We will explore those who feel unreachable deep down in a black hole, with their sense of “I will never belong”, and who are only capable of observing others who live their lives fully.
Growing up in an environment that lacks deeper care and recognition from an Other, the caretaker leaves the child unprotected and alone. There will also be a lack of a vital experience: that of a sense of being ME and safety enough to be ME with YOU, a ME that is separate from YOU. In addition, we will see that even clients who have a higher level of functioning in the world can appear to suffer from this lack of experience. In the deepening of the relational work there can be a sudden recognition of that “there is no space inside where the (new) experience can land.” This is State 2 work in depth, in the maladaptive field, and in between maladaptive and adaptive experience. This work is not just about transforming the maladaptive emotional experience. It is also about “forming the unformed” experience and building the Self or that part of the Self that never had the space to grow.
The AEDP model, with its relational stance and explicit work with the relationship is the optimal model for these kinds of deep therapeutic processes. You will learn how to deepen your capacity to BE WITH the other, identify crucial paths in the process of forming the unformed, and sharpen and deepen the skills necessary to do so. You will learn about the two parts of the process that naturally unfold as soon as defenses and toxic shame can be put aside: the “rescuing part” and, the later, “part of becoming”. As a patient described it: “We had to get down, layer by layer, to find the deepest wound. There was an ‘unfolding’ of new [painful] things – in the darkness. I didn´t know where we were going. And now (part two) it´s still this unfolding (of new, unformed experience). I still don´t know where we are going, but it´s not heavy any longer, and it´s now going on in the lightness.”
Come and join me on an inspiring journey “From no sense of Self or ME to I can be ME with YOU, and I can be WE”. This is the journey of developing the capacity to “feel and deal WHILE staying related”.
For those who participated in the seminar in July last year there will be new material and evolving theory. For those who be new, there will be an introduction to integrate what was presented and building upon this developing theory.
Course Learning Objectives
Participants will be able to:
- Identify key change processes in the process of healing attachment trauma and developing the Self.
- Demonstrate how the use of the Therapist Self can work as a powerful tool to set change, healing and development in motion.
- Describe critical paths in the process of becoming and moving from insecure disorganized attachment towards secure attachment.
- Explain how to activate the client´s seeking/attachment system.
- Demonstrate how to help the client titrate experiences “on the edge” within the window of tolerance.
- Distinguish between maladaptive fear and tremulous affects.
- Develop skills to regulate shame.
- Deepen sensitivity to when to lead, guide or follow in the process.
- Describe the two parts of the process in the work with unformed experience
- Develop the use of Emergent Imagery and Parts Work.
Course Goals, Methods, Intended Audience, Objectives, Outline
Who Should Attend
Licensed mental health practitioners (or the local/regional equivalent to ‘licensed’*) as well as interns legally practicing under the license of a supervising practitioner. These include Counselors, Psychoanalysts, Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Social Workers, other Behavioral Health Therapists and related professionals.
Level: AEDP Level 2 (Graduates of both Immersion and Essential Skills)
If you have a question about the relevance of this course for you and/or your eligibility for this course please contact
Meet the Presenter

Annika Medbo, Licensed Psychotherapist
Registration Options, Fees, Dates, Times, Location and Scholarships
Registration Option 1: Advanced Skills Course: didactic plus experiential practice
- Participate in all four online sessions – 2 half days of didactic + 2 half days of experiential.
- Counts toward certification
Dates: Friday thru Monday July 19 – 22, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM – 2:30 PM Eastern (USA)
- $649 USD Member (must be logged in to register)
- $679 USD Non-Member
Registration Option 2: Advanced Seminar: didactic only – no experiential practice
- Attend the two didactic sessions, skip the 2 experiential sessions
- Does not count toward certification
Dates: Friday and Sunday July 19 + 21, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM – 2:30 PM Eastern Time USA
- $379 USD Member (must be logged in to register)
- $399 USD Non-Member
Location (both options): Live Online
Requirements to participate effectively online: You will need a private space with a reliable Internet connection for a desktop/laptop computer that has video and microphone. Click here for the AEDP Live, Online Learning Requirements & FAQ’s.
Members must be logged in to register with Member Discount
Limited scholarship seats available- to apply click here
Praise for Rescuing the Self: From No Self to Core Self
“Loved the accessible theory. Loved the recordings of Annika’s work. It was a privilege to witness — inspiring.”
“It is truly wonderful to watch Annika at work. I especially appreciate witnessing her style in which she is able to give clients the space they need while still providing a safe holding space and remaining very connected. After the course, I really felt myself do good work with clients in the area of intra-psychic work!”
“This course was the best AEDP training I have taken! It was a heavy topic, but the balance between information and video examples was perfect. I would have been happy to have slightly longer teaching days… or even a second course around core self! There was so much richness here I would consider taking this again in the future”.
“I liked everything — the beauty and depth of Annika’s work was incredibly moving and inspiring.”
“Every aspect — * 5 stars”
Attendance, Makeup Policy & Refunds:
Disability Access: If you require ADA accommodations please contact Marilia Rodriguez, or call 813-553-1294 thirty days or more before the event so we can be sure to accommodate you.
Course and all customer service related questions:
Please contact Customer Service Administrator
Marilia Rodriguez