Advanced Skills “FEELING FELT”; EXPANDING RECEPTIVE AFFECTIVE CAPACITY Turbo-charge AEDP’s consolidation of brain growth and neural integration for your clients and yourself


Sunday – Monday, December 12 – 13, 2021
10:00 am – 6:00 pm, Eastern Time USA + Canada

Who the Advanced Skills Course is for:

  • AEDP Level 2 clinicians who have completed Immersion plus either Essential Skills (ES1), or Core Training, or the equivalent in AEDP supervision (30 hours Small Group or 20 hours Individual).
  • Level 3+ AEDPers are encouraged to participate to earn CE’s while refreshing AEDP skills and reconnecting with faculty and community.

Course Description

There is generosity in receiving and absorbing loving-kindness. As Brene Brown puts it: “until we can receive with an open heart, we’re never really giving with an open heart”. The seemingly simple practice of being available for what Diana Fosha has termed the “bi-directional relational experience” that is fundamental to the practice of AEDP can be challenging for many people. You might have already discovered in your AEDP journey how the scope and depth of rewards we receive from taking this relational challenge are in fact one of the gateways to State Four expansiveness and delight. To quote senior faculty member Yuko Hanakawa, we “facilitate an upward spiral of transformations beyond ….already accomplished therapeutic gains” of  changes in attachment style and repair of Trauma. We have the lofty goal of supporting our clients beyond surviving their wounds into flourishing as a secure, joyful, and competent self. 

This course will offer opportunities to help participants build their muscles of receptivity. The project is not an intellectual exercise, although as with all AEDP interventions followed through to completion there is a subsequent cognitive integration that solidifies and fixes the new neural pathways that have been created through novel experience. 

Many of us, as we have learned AEDP, have remarked upon the dramatic differences it has caused in our professional efficacy. It’s also cause for celebration that we note a corollary and dramatic transformation in our personal relationships, both with ourselves and with others. As we ourselves participate in the deep healing work the model offers our clients, we receive equal benefit. (One colleague has remarked to me “I get a session for every session I give, when I really show up and use everything I’ve learned with AEDP!”)

This course aims to be an opportunity to “bring home” your theoretical knowledge of AEDP, to deepen your understanding of how the model works from the bottom up and inside out, starting with yourself. Alongside the reliable AEDP training components of didactic and video presentations we will use a variety of experiential exercises, with ourselves and with one another. As you’ve come to realize, the joy of learning AEDP is in the ways it potentiates access to delight. The hope is that this class will lighten your spirits and enhance your enjoyment of your practice as a human and as a clinician.

Course Objectives

  1. Define AEDP’s theoretical perspective on the therapeutic importance of Receptive Affective capacity for clients and clinicians.
  2. Apply concepts of AEDP’s four state model to recognize affective phenomena as they arise, and use this understanding to guide promotion of R.A.C.
  3. Utilize skills articulated by AEDP to enhance “secure enough” attachment experiences by using “small m” metaprocessing to assess and deepen how both members of the therapeutic dyad are receiving one another’s presence.
  4. Recognize opportunities for developing Receptive Affective Capacity specifically as they arise as State Three Transformational Healing Affects, which include “feeling moved, touched, or emotional within oneself and/ or feelings of tenderness, love, or gratitude toward the other, in this case, the therapist.” Diana Fosha (2009, 2011, 2020)
  5. Explain how expanded focus on moments of gratitude and relational delight promote brain growth and neural integration.
  6. Explain how ruptures and repair of ruptures enhance and deepen relational intimacy.
  7. Recognize and reflect upon opportunities within ourselves as clinicians to grow our relational capacities, personally and professionally.
  8. Role-play personal challenges: receiving expressions of positive emotions and ways to grow our own capacity.
  9. Demonstrate the enhanced emotional, cognitive, and spiritual benefits of deepened relational experience



Location, Dates & Times

Location: Live Online and highly interactive
AEDP’s Live, Online Learning: Requirements & FAQ’s

Times: Daily (Hours per day)
10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Time Eastern time USA + Canada

Please double check the meeting times for your local time zone if not Eastern Time USA + Canada

Dates: Days – of Week
December 12 – 13, 2021

Fees, Scholarships & CE

Non-Member Course Fee (includes 13 CE) |  $640 USD 
Are you a Member? Log in to get a Member discount

Member Course Fee (includes 13 CE) | $590 USD  One time payment

This course is closed with a waitlist. Please email to add your name to the waitlist.

Scholarships are available. To learn more and apply, please go here.

Continuing Education: This program is generally eligible for 13 CE hours of continuing professional development credit.* Participants must have paid course fee, attended the entire course and completed an evaluation to receive CE. R. Cassidy Seminars is our CE partner and will provide CE certificates. In addition, a certificate of completion will be provides by the AEDP Institute. Partial credit is not available.

There is no conflict of interest or commercial support for this program
Evaluations and Certificates are available online following course completion at

NOTE: It is the responsibility of the Attendee to determine if the CE credit offered by R. Cassidy Seminars meets the regulations of their state licensing/certification board.

Go here for a list of professions included, state approval and other details on CEs for this course.

Meet the Presenter

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More Information

Level 3+ AEDPers are encouraged to participate to earn CE’s while refreshing AEDP skills and reconnecting with faculty and community.

Advanced Skills Course Overview: Practical in orientation, every Advanced Skills Course focuses on helping you both learn new, Advanced AEDP skills, and cultivate and fine-tune the AEDP skills you already have. Each course will include didactic presentations of theory along with video of actual clinical sessions conducted by AEDP Faculty followed by an afternoon of small group experiential exercises.

In both left-brained and right-brained ways, our Advanced Skills faculty will teach concrete, specific interventions and techniques that will help you with the in-depth practice of AEDP and help you with your more challenging clients.

Instructional Methodology: AEDP skills are introduced with their theoretical foundations and then with illustrations by way of clinical videotapes; skills are then practiced in group experiential exercises. In online courses, exceptionally effective experiential exercises are held in online “breakout rooms.”

Faculty, Experiential Assistants and Clinical Video: These are the hallmarks of all AEDP trainings. In AEDP, we pride ourselves in how thoroughly and deeply we seek to both undo professional aloneness and engage in rigorous clinical teaching.  Our faculty are excellent as academics, clinicians and teachers. Participants deeply appreciate how effectively faculty presenters’ clinical video demonstrates “AEDP in action.” And faculty have skilled accompaniment from a large number of Experiential Assistants – up to and often including one Experiential Assistant for every three participants. Participants rave about the excellent attention and support they receive in this unique learning environment.

To see a listing of AEDP therapists who act as Experiential Assistants, click here.

Disability Access: If you require ADA accommodations please contact our office 30 days Or more before the event. We cannot ensure accommodations without adequate prior notification

Certification: Completion of this course does not guarantee certification. To be eligible for AEDP Certification, clinicians must demonstrate an understanding of the theoretical model and proficiency in applying AEDP interventions to diverse clinical populations, and an overall commitment to the AEDP mission, ethos and values. Certification requirements.

Attendance and Makeup Policy & Refunds:


Course Questions: Contact

Payment, CE and Registration Questions: Contact Karen Newell at R. Cassidy Seminars: AEDP’s CE and Registration Partner
866-992-9399  X105
Office Hours:  Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 2:00 pm PST