Application for AEDP™ Experiential Assistant Learning Community (EALC)

EALC Overall Benefits

Experiential Assistants repeatedly tell us being an EA is one of the most effective and meaningful ways to build their skills and confidence in the practice of AEDP. Experiential Assistants attend courses free of charge and with courses online it’s easier than ever to deepen and refine your AEDP skills. All accepted members receive free EA training and special EALC Discussion Group email. Learn about EALC course by course benefits here.

Prerequisites for Assisting

You must be practicing legally as a licensed Mental Health Professional in your state, province, or country with a commitment to the AEDP Institute community and AEDP as a therapeutic modality.

Immersion Assistant: You must have completed AEDP Immersion and Essential Skills (ES1) plus at least some AEDP Supervision.

Essential Skills (ES1): All of the above plus you must have assisted in AEDP Immersion.

Advanced Skills: All of the above plus you must have assisted in at least 10 ES1 modules.

Don’t meet the criteria? Want to try it out before you commit? Shadow an assistant in an upcoming Immersion. Learn more by emailing

Scholarships: Can’t afford the time off to be an Experiential Assistant? Apply for an EA diversity / financial aid scholarship by emailing

Application process:

If you would like to participate in the EALC program you must complete an application (see blue button at the bottom of this page).

  • Those who have completed our online application will be considered for EA positions. The Institute will notify applicants of acceptance / reasons for not being accepted shortly after your application is received.
  • The Institute will tell accepted EALC members which courses: IMM and/or ES1 and/or ES2 they are eligible to assist in.

EALC Member Responsibilities and Ethical Agreements:

  • Attend course specific EA meetings (scheduled just before, during, or after the training, during lunch, or both).
  • Follow the ethical guidelines / ethos of AEDP Institute during the training as well as during out of training contact with Institute trainees.
  • Maintain appropriate professional boundaries and communication channels and support the curriculum and approach of the training.
  • Develop a safe, regulated, supportive environment that will facilitate trainees’ learning, track interpersonal and group interactions.
  • As requested, notify lead assistants of dual relationships.
  • EALC members must accept at least 1 offer per year to assist: at least 1 Immersion or 1 Skills module every 12 months to continue in the program.
  • Each EALC member who is ready to assist will be alerted of upcoming assisting opportunities – please raise your hand and notify us of your interest and availability to assist! The Institute will prioritize a) diversity of all kinds – including AEDP level, and b) EAs who haven’t assisted recently.