EALC (Experiential Assistant Learning Community) Overall Benefits
Experiential Assistants often tell us that being an EA is one of the most effective and meaningful ways to build their skills and confidence in the practice of AEDP. You attend the course in which you are assisting free of charge which is very valuable in and of itself; but the heart of the EA learning experience is the time you spend guiding and supporting course participants during experiential exercises. As an EA you will find yourself articulating things about AEDP that you didn’t know you knew, and in so doing, deepening your own understanding, confidence and skills.
As soon as you join the EALC you can take advantage of EALC benefits like peer practicing sessions and the EALC discussion email group; in these forums you can share questions, challenges and stories about both assisting and about the practice of AEDP; and you’ll develop your AEDP network.
When you serve as an EA in courses, the following additional benefits accrue course by course:.
EALC Additional Benefits Course by Course*
- All EALC members receive:
- quarterly Experiential Assistant Practice and Community Building, plus
- special EALC Discussion Group Email
- After assisting in an Immersion, you will receive free 12 month AEDP Institute membership
- After assisting 1 – 4 Modules in any ES1: all of the above + 1 free On Demand AEDP Seminar per module (upon request), + listing on AEDP Institute webpage
- After assisting in all 5 modules of the same ES1 course: all of the above + free participation in an Institute sponsored live online seminar (upon request)
- After assisting in all course days for 3+ Advanced Skills Modules (ASM): all of the above + 1 free ASM (upon request)
- After assisting in 2 full ES1 courses (10 modules) or 1 full ES1 and 5 Advanced Skills Modules (ASM): all of the above + credit towards AEDP certification: reduce requirement for individual supervision by 5 hours; cannot be applied to final 10 required hours.
*For courses June 2021 and later.
Full EALC Member Benefits:

EALC Discussion Group Email
All EALC members are automatically added to the EALC (Experiential Assistant Learning Community) Discussion Group Email. Once added you will begin to receive a once per day digest of all messages posted by group members. Click here to read the guidelines for participation and to learn how to participate.
The purpose of the EALC Discussion Group Email is 2-fold and emergent:
First, the group is for Experiential Assistants to connect with each other around being an EA. Share “case studies” of experiences from EA groups; ask questions about what to expect, write about what you gain from the experience, and what you struggle with. This is a forum to support fellow EAs, share ideas, resources, and constructive advice.
Second, the group offers an opportunity for EAs to more broadly explore AEDP clinical questions, insights and stories among fellow Level 2, Level 3, Certified AEDP therapists and Certified AEDP supervisors who are especially active in the AEDP community.
Click here to learn more and read the EALC Discussion Group Email guidelines
FREE Quarterly Peer Experiential training and Practice Sessions
Meet with other Experiential Assistants online, enjoy a short presentation by a Lead Assistant, Certified Supervisor or Faculty Member, then break up into small groups of 3 or 4 AEDP EAs and work on an experiential exercise. Try out your AEDP skills with the support of and feedback from other AEDPers. Practice your EA and supervision skills. Enjoy getting to know fellow EAs.
Upcoming Trainings:
Friday, January 10, 2025 from 12:00 – 2:00 PM Eastern Time USA + Canada with Michael J. Mondoro, LCSW
Friday, October 11, 2024 from 12:00 – 2:00 PM Eastern Time USA + Canada with Kelly Prothero, LCSW
Friday, July 12, 2024 from 12:00 – 2:00 PM Eastern Time USA + Canada with
H. Jacquie Ye-Perman, PhD, James Santos and guest presenters
Friday, March 29, 2024 from 12:00 – 2:00 PM Eastern Time USA + Canada with
Judy Silvan, LICSW (MA), LCSW, part 2
Email Penny at pennyg@test.aedpinstitute.org to register for all EALC free trainings.
In appreciation of previous EALC Training Presenters: Kate Halliday, LCSW, Lia Jones, LMFT, Steve Carrol, LCSW, Kaori Stram, Heidi Frieze, LCSW, Malin Endrei, Judy Silvan, LICSW, LCSW
1 Year of Institute Membership every time you assist
Every time you Assist in an Immersion, ES1 or Advanced Skills module, we will extend your AEDP Institute Membership by a full year. For a complete list of AEDP Institute Member Benefits, click here.
On Demand Seminars
Every time you Assist in any module of ES1 or Advanced Skills, you will, upon request, receive free access to one of our many On Demand Seminars. To get your free access, email admin@test.aedpinstitute.org.
Continuing Education Hours (CE)
Whenever you attend a full Immersion, Essential Skills (5 modules) or Advanced Skills course – as an Experiential Assistant or as a participant – you are entitled to the CE offered for the course. So if you value the CE, be sure to be in attendance for all hours of a course. If you can not attend all 5 modules of an Essential Skills, CE will be offered for the module(s) you attended in its entirety.
Credit towards AEDP Certification
If you assist in 2 complete Essential Skills (ES1) courses – all 5 modules for each of two ES1’s – you are entitled to apply that experience towards your certification as an AEDP therapist as follows: credit towards AEDP certification: reduce requirement for individual supervision by 5 hours; cannot be applied to final 10 required hours.