DBEI Resources

A large part of these resources were shared with us by NESTTD, New England Society for the Treatment of Trauma and Dissociation. We owe a debt of gratitude for their permission to share.

Lifting Black Voices: Therapy, Trust, and Racial Trauma
An panel discussion about transgenerational racial trauma and its impact on therapeutic trust, featuring Dr. Tiffany Crayton, LPC-S, La Shanda Sugg, LPC, and L.J. Lumpkin, LMFT

A Free 1 CE Credit Hour Podcast Continuing Education Course… Donations Encouraged


Providing Inclusive, Respectful Care to Your Gender Questioning, Transgender, & Nonbinary Clients

From pronouns to signage to handling mis-gendering, this course provides helpful guidance about supporting gender minorities in therapy, featuring Dara Hoffman-Fox, LPC
A Free 1 CE Credit Hour Podcast Continuing Education Course… Donations Encouraged


Racism and Trauma


  • The Inner Work of Racial Justice: Healing Ourselves and Transforming Our Communities Through Mindfulness by Rhonda V. Magee (Author), Jon Kabat-Zinn (Foreword)
  • Separate is Never Equal by Duncan Tonatsu
  • Seven years before Brown v. Board of Education, the Mendez family fought to end segregation in California schools. Discover their incredible story in this picture book from award-winning creator Duncan Tonatiuh.
  • She Persisted by Chelsea Clinton
  • Chelsea Clinton introduces tiny feminists, mini activists and little kids who are ready to take on the world to thirteen inspirational women who never took no for an answer, and who always, inevitably and without fail, persisted.
  • Resist: 35 People Who Rose against Tyranny and Injustice by Veronica Chambers
  • A perfect tool for young readers as they grow into the leaders of tomorrow, Veronica Chambers’s inspiring collection of profiles—along with Senator Cory Booker’s stirring foreword—will inspire readers of all ages to stand up for what’s right.
  • Little Legends and Little Leaders by Vashti Harrison
  • Author-illustrator Vashti Harrison shines a bold, joyous light on black men through history in this #1 New York Times bestseller.

Children’s Books on Racism

  • The Day You Begin By Jacqueline Woodson
  • National Book Award winner Jacqueline Woodson and two-time Pura Belpré Illustrator Award winner Rafael López have teamed up to create a poignant, yet heartening book about finding courage to connect, even when you feel scared and alone.
  • Brown Girl Dreaming By Jacqueline Woodson
  • Raised in South Carolina and New York, Woodson always felt halfway home in each place. In vivid poems, she shares what it was like to grow up as an African American in the 1960s and 1970s, living with the remnants of Jim Crow and her growing awareness of the Civil Rights movement. Touching and powerful, each poem is both accessible and emotionally charged, each line a glimpse into a child’s soul as she searches for her place in the world. Woodson’s eloquent poetry also reflects the joy of finding her voice through writing stories, despite the fact that she struggled with reading as a child. Her love of stories inspired her and stayed with her, creating the first sparks of the gifted writer she was to become.
  • Not My Idea by Anastasia Higginbotham
  • Not My Idea: A Book About Whiteness is a picture book about racism and racial justice, inviting white children and parents to become curious about racism, accept that it’s real, and cultivate justice.
  • All the Colors We Are/Todos los colores de nuestra piel: The Story of How We Get Our Skin Color/La historia de por qué tenemos diferentes colores de piel by Katie Kissinger.
  • Celebrate the essence of one way we are all special and different from one another—our skin color! This bilingual (English/Spanish) book offers children a simple, scientifically accurate explanation about how our skin color is determined by our ancestors, the sun, and melanin. It’s also filled with colorful photographs that capture the beautiful variety of skin tones. Reading this book frees children from the myths and stereotypes associated with skin color and helps them build positive identities as they accept, understand, and value our rich and diverse world. Unique activity ideas are included to help you extend the conversation with children.

Children & Anti-Racist Parenting

  • Talking to Kids about Racism Part 1 https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=3163881693633440&ref=watch_permalink
  • Talking to Kids about Racism Part 2 w Beverly Daniel Tatum https://www.facebook.com/560763030938742/videos/264032861323725
  • An Anti-Racism Conversation for All of Us with Dr. Jennifer Harvey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0k2SQDc_d2M&t=10s
  • Racism and Violence: How to Help Kids Handle the News: A conversation between Kenya Hameed, PsyD and Jamie Howard, PhD of Child Mind Institute.
  • The Conscious Kid: An Instagram account and Patreon site with information on parenting and education through a critical race lens.
  • https://padlet.com/nicolethelibrarian/nbasekqoazt336co?fbclid=IwAR2DqDyShBtZ3E23DKOzcXSJGY9oXQnR47_SGvLeOpRJ4qSEbL1abehrWCg
  • Antiracist Baby by Ibram X Kendi

Articles & Publications 

Other Comprehensive Lists

Black Life Matters: Anti Racism Resources for Social Workers and Therapists

Sophia Aguirre PhD Anti Racism and Racial Justice Resources

Mental Health Focused BIPOC-led Organizations for Communities of Color


Native Land Map

Native Land Map https://native-land.ca/

Podcasts and Social Media

Recorded Training

Decolonizing Clinical Supervision
Presenters: Dana Stone, PhD, & Jessica ChenFeng, PhD

Fighting racism without shaming 

Multicultural Orientation (MCO) Deliberate Practice Webinar


There are many great books and articles that address oppression. This list is meant to only be a sampling of some of the many that are in print, as well as ones that appeared or were mentioned in the presentation. Articles and books about AEDP can be found on the AEDP website. Go here.

AEDP Website Quick Links  

In Solidarity. Black Lives Matter.

Reaching for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at the AEDP Institute

To view the list of AEDP Certified Supervisors offering low cost and/or free individual or group supervision for Black members of the AEDP community please go here.

If you have resources to share, please email lynne.hartwell@test.aedpinstitute.org