Essential Skills January 2025 | Eldorado

A Level 2 Course* Presented by AEDP™ Institute Faculty

Five 4-day Modules: January 2025 – September 2025 

*This course contributes to Certification eligibility, but attending does not require pursuing Certification.

Our aim is to teach, in both left-brained and right-brained ways,
different types of clinical interventions so that participants
will emerge with both an understanding and a felt sense of how to “do” AEDP. 

Course Description

AEDP Essential Skills provides practical skills for the application of AEDP as well as a thorough immersion in the theory underlying the practice. Different skill sets will be introduced, explained, illustrated and practiced in each module, so that participants will emerge with both an understanding and a felt sense of how to practice AEDP. In each module AEDP skills are introduced with their theoretical foundations and then illustrated by way of clinical videotapes; skills are then practiced in small group experiential exercises.

Module 1: Healing from the Get-Go: a Clinical Roadmap for the AEDP Transformational Journey
Module 2: Attachment and Relational Work: Undoing Aloneness in Clinical Action
Module 3: State 1: The Top of the Triangle of Experience Working with Defense and Anxiety
Module 4: State 2 Work: The Processing of Core Affective Experience
Module 5: State 3 & State 4 Work: The Processing of Transformational Experience & The Integration of Transformation into Self

Faculty Steeped in AEDP Theory, Clinical Teaching from Videotapes, Experiential Exercises
These are the hallmarks of AEDP trainings. At AEDP Institute, we pride ourselves in how thoroughly and deeply we seek to both undo professional aloneness and engage in rigorous clinical teaching with skilled accompaniment. Our faculty are excellent as academics, clinicians and teachers. Participants deeply appreciate how effectively faculty presenters’ clinical video demonstrates “AEDP in action.” And faculty have skilled accompaniment from Experiential Assistants – up to and often including one Assistant for every four participants. Participants rave about the excellent attention and support they receive in this unique learning environment.

Routine for each module
AEDP skills are introduced with their theoretical foundations and with illustrations by way of clinical videotapes. Skills are then practiced in small group experiential exercises.  Experiential practice time makes up roughly 40% of the course.

Objectives, Schedule

Who Should Attend:

Licensed mental health practitioners (or the local/regional equivalent to ‘licensed’*) as well as interns legally practicing under the license of a supervising practitioner. These include Counselors, Psychoanalysts, Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Social Workers, other Behavioral Health Therapists and related professionals.

Level: AEDP Level 1 (Graduates of Immersion)

If you have a question about the relevance of this course for you and/or your eligibility for this course please contact

Meet the Presenters (see full bios below)

Dates, Times, Location

Dates (participants must commit to all five modules):

Fridays – Mondays
Module 1: 12:00 – 4:30 PM Eastern (USA)
Modules 2 thru 5: 11:00 AM – 3:30 PM EST

Module 1 | January 31 – February 3, 2025 | Ronald Frederick, PhD  | 12:00 – 4:30 PM EST
Module 2 | March 28-31, 2025 | Annika Medbo, MA | 11:00 AM – 3:30 PM EST
Module 3 | May 2-5, 2025  | Kate Halliday, LCSW | 11:00 AM – 3:30 PM EST
Module 4 | July 11-14, 2025 | Richard Harrison, PhD | 11:00 AM – 3:30 PM EST
Module 5 | September 12 – 15, 2025 | Sigal Bahat, MA | 11:00 AM – 3:30 PM EST

— Please double check the meeting time in your local time zone by visiting here
— Please check all dates and times closely for conflicts with local holidays, religious holidays, etc.

Location: Live Online
Requirements to participate effectively online: You will need a private space with a reliable Internet connection for a desktop/laptop computer that has video and microphone. Click here for the AEDP Live, Online Learning Requirements & FAQ’s.

Registration, Fees and Scholarships

Non-Member Registration: $3259 USD
Non-Member Registration with a payment plan $3309: requires a $500 deposit today and 8 monthly installments of $351.13

Reminder: you must have completed AEDP Immersion or an Institute approved equivalent to attend

Are you a Member? Log in to get your Member discount

We are no longer accepting scholarship application for this course

Presenter Bios

Ronald J. Frederick, PhD

Ronald J. Frederick, PhD, is a licensed clinical psychologist, senior faculty member of the AEDP Institute, co-founder of the Center for Courageous Living in Los Angeles, California and author of the award winning books Living Like You Mean It (Jossey-Bass, 2009) and Loving Like You Mean It (Central Recovery Press, 2019). Since 1994, Dr. Frederick has been training in, practicing, and teaching the AEDP model of psychotherapy, and has received extensive training and supervision from Dr. Fosha. Past experience includes fourteen years as a Clinical Supervisor at Abbott Northwestern Hospital’s Park House Day Treatment Program, a post-doctoral fellowship in Medical Psychology and HIV in the AIDS Center Program at Roosevelt Hospital, NYC, where he later worked as a staff psychologist, and a year-long training rotation in Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy at Beth Israel Medical Center, NYC. Dr. Frederick supervises trainees in the AEDP model, and has co-facilitated, with Dr. Fosha, AEDP numerous Immersion Courses and workshops. (Read More…)

Annika Medbo, Licensed Psychotherapist

Annika Medbo, is an Adjunct faculty member of AEDP™ Institute, Licensed Psychotherapist, Licensed Physiotherapist, AEDP Certified Supervisor and teacher. She has a private practice in Stockholm. Annika´s clinical interests are in trauma and dissociation with a special interest in the use and development of non-verbal processes that can work to enhance and facilitate growth and healing. This interest started before AEDP when Annika was working in psychiatric clinics and striving to meet her patients “beyond diagnosis”, listen to the nonverbal “calls” for connection, rather than focusing on defences and pathology. Her interest for nonverbal processes expanded when she supervised psychotherapy students in Infant Observation at a major Psychotherapy Institute in Stockholm.

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Kate Halliday, LCSW

Kate Halliday, LCSW, is Senior Faculty, AEDP Institute from Ithaca, New York.

Throughout Kate’s nearly 30 years as a psychotherapist, She has always been better at noticing the ways her clients are remarkable, resilient, and lovable than theorizing about the ways they are wounded.

Kate has always been drawn to images, representations, and experiences of transformation. Music, poetry, literature, the natural world, and emotional relationships have always been her education. When Kate started learning to be a teacher of young children (in her first career she worked for Head Start and in elementary schools), and then to be a therapist, it was the magic of witnessing change and growth in other human beings that enlivened the experience for her. In psychotherapy, this led Kate to study Family Systems Theory and Narrative Therapy, then EMDR, and finally AEDP. (Read More…)

Richard Harrison, PhD

Richard Harrison, PhD, is a faculty member of AEDP™ Institute and a Registered Psychologist with over 25 years’ experience as a clinician and teacher. He was trained and supervised in AEDP by Diana Fosha, founder of the model. He is a Certified Supervisor in both AEDP and EFT. Richard teaches and supervises graduate students in the Counseling Psychology and Psychiatry departments at the University of British Columbia, and maintains a full clinical caseload with individuals and couples in private practice in Vancouver.

Richard has authored peer-reviewed publications on AEDP theory and practice; attachment-informed supervision; and therapist self-care; including a 2020 article in Psychotherapy on “Termination in 16-session

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Sigal Bahat, MA

Sigal Bahat, MA is a faculty member of AEDP™ Institute and the Institute’s ambassador to the AEDP in Israel region. She teaches and supervises AEDP, in Israel, US and internationally, and leads an Israeli AEDP Core Training group. She has a private practice in Israel and also works remotely. Sigal started her career as a Dance Movement Therapist, and then completed training both as an Expressive & Creative psychotherapist, and as a Bio-energetic Analyst. She is certified and has many years of experience as a teacher of somatic-mindfulness approaches.

The Alexander Technique, The Feldenkrais Method and Authentic Movement. Meeting AEDP and Dr. Diana Fosha met a decades-long quest to actively engage the intra-intimate-connections between psyche & soma.

Sigal on AEDP: “At last I met a model that made sense to me in the deepest manner, both theoretically and clinically – (Read More…)

Attendance, Make-up Policy and Refunds

Attendance and Makeup Policy
Refund Policy
Grievance Policy


Disability Access: If you require ADA accommodations please contact Marilia Rodriguez, or call 813-553-1294 thirty days or more before the event so we can be sure to accommodate you. 


Please contact Customer Service Administrator
Marilia Rodriguez
Office Hours: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Eastern (USA)