Monthly Online Training Course
Steve Shapiro, PhD
Learn to move beyond resistance and symptom management into deep, transformational processes to promote change rapidly!
This seminar is intended for Licensed Psychologists, Psychoanalysts, Social Workers, Counselors/Marriage
and Family Therapists, Creative Arts Therapists. Course Content Level: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.
Sadly, many clients interfere with the goals they hope to achieve and suffering they hope to alleviate through their own resistance or dysregulation. This causes tragic consequences for the client, as well as a sense of failure for the therapist. While clients enter treatment with good intentions, defences and anxiety often interfere. Therapists need powerful tools to address these formidable challenges that threaten to impede or entirely sabotage the process.
In this webinar participants will learn distinct skill sets to intervene to transform resistance with challenging patients who have a history of trauma, a high degree of resistance, or excessive anxiety and dysregulation (i.e., “high defense” or “high anxiety”). Therapists will learn how to intervene from the first moment of the initial session to create the safety and alliance necessary for patients to risk abandoning their defenses and begin making transformational, rather than incremental, changes.
Participants will understand how to effectively and efficiently help clients gain access to buried emotional conflicts, unconscious material, defensively excluded aspects and submerged resources in order to promote healing rapidly. We will focus on the three major areas of psychotherapy training: theory, technique and person of the therapist.
This webinar will cover the fundamentals of all Experiential Dynamic Therapies (EDTs) especially AEDP™ and Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) and, as well as psychodynamic theory which comprise the roots of all Experiential Dynamic Therapies (EDTs). It is especially well suited for those who want to learn to integrate the two approaches in a complementary manner, to result in a comprehensive and flexible map to guide you in multiple clinical scenarios.
These approaches have many similarities but also important differences. For the same reasons that some find the psychodynamic/ISTDP, AEDP approaches to be incompatible, I find them highly complementary. At certain clinical choice points, when the ISTDP vs AEDP principle is clearly different, I am afforded a greater range of options and increased flexibility. Examples of some of these choice points include working intra-psychically vs relationally; focusing on transference vs the real relationship; clarifying defenses or exploring underlying emerging healthy aspects. At other times, I find that the two approaches can be practiced in a more integrative manner. For instance, utilizing ISTDP principles from an AEDP/ relational stance.
For me, the integration of these different frameworks helped fill in some “missing pieces” from each appraoch and broadened my options to result in a more balanced, attuned and flexible approach. Both models have contributed important aspects to my work. With deeper understanding and integration of an internal clinical map (theory and technique), I was able to be more authentic and emotionally engaged (person of the therapist). I experienced a greater degree of effectiveness and efficiency for patients, as well as increased professional satisfaction for myself. I am hoping to help you do the same.
The intent is to integrate these approaches with each person’s personal self and professional selves, based on your history and current preferences, to result in a style that is unique, authentic, effective, efficient, and rewarding to practice. I do NOT hope to guide you to make any particular choices; instead, my goal is for YOU to understand this comprehensive map well enough be able to make your own flexible, mindful and deliberate choices.
This webinar is ideal for those at an introductory or intermediate level or for advanced practitioners who want to learn this integration, or for those who simply want a refresher and review. We will start with basic principles and progress incrementally toward increasingly advanced and sophisticated concepts and techniques. More important than experience, is the presence of an open mind and willingness to learn.
- 3-hour meeting, monthly, on Thursdays, November, 2023—July 2024, 11:00 am—2:00pm, EST
- 10 meetings for the 2023-2024 year
- Each class will cover a different structured learning module (see Curriculum below), with ample actual patient video demonstrations plus microanalysis and discussion.
- There may be some experiential exercises and deliberate practice.
- There is no supervision component.
- Given this format, it is ideal for therapists who are not ready to receive video consultation but wish to learn basic principles to develop a comprehensive and cohesive clinical map as a foundation for more advanced work ultimately. It is suitable for therapists at any level and practicing any orientation who want to learn fundamentals that will increase effectiveness and efficiency with a broad range of patients.
- Because the concepts are complex, attendance for multiple years is permissible or even encouraged. However, this might not be possible if others are waiting to join.
- Because there is no supervision component, this is anticipated to be a large sized group.
- This course is well-suited for those with at least a moderate degree of experience/familiarity with experiential dynamic therapies. Because the material will be taught starting with the most basic principles and building from there incrementally, with increasing complexity, an advanced level of experience/skill is not necessary. More important is the presence of an open and curious mind, as well as a desire to integrate theory and technique in a way that is precise and systematic (“left brain/ science”), while also being authentic, flexible and compassionate (“right brain/ art”).
- Teaching will be conducted in a principle-centered manner to optimize building of internal “cognitive maps” that will flexibly guide trainees in a variety of scenarios (“teaching to fish instead of giving a fish”).
- Together, we will create a learning environment that promotes the learning and practicing of new skills as rapidly as possible.
- Formulate, internal clinical maps that will flexibly and accurately guide assessment of the patient and, consequently, therapist interventions/ clinical stance. This will help the therapist gain a better understanding of the internal world of each patient, in each moment, and consequently, a better sense how to relate to create optimal attunement/ alliance and how to intervene to facilitate transformational opportunities for growth/healing (theory).
- Integrate practical clinical skills as rapidly as possible to function in an effective, deep and efficient manner (technique).
- Develop a therapy style that is not only effective, accelerated and reduces suffering as rapidly as possible (patient benefit), but that is authentic and unique for each individual clinician, based on his both his/her professional experience/orientation, as well as his/her personality. The approach should be deeply rewarding to practice (therapist benefit). (professional development).
- Develop an ability to detect your emotional reactions in various scenarios, to develop greater affect/anxiety tolerance, to welcome and use countertransference in a positive/effective manner (personal/emotional)
- It is been my experience, both personally, as well as in providing consultation/supervision, that this is an important area and can be a barrier to further growth if not addressed. After all, unlike carpenters or physicians, WE, our “SELVES”, are the tools of our trade. This area is particularly important for advanced students who have at least a foundational grasp of theory and technique.
CURRICULUM (one topic per month)
- Introduction
- Introductory principles
- The training process, problems in learning
- Developing your unique style, making flexible & deliberate choices
- Therapist stance
- The person of the therapist: improving emotional capacity, focus, presence, persistence
- Anxiety regulating versus anxiety provoking approaches
- Experiential Dynamic Therapies (EDTs): ISTDP, AEDP and psychodynamic theory
- Triangle of conflict: the body knows what the mind defends
- Triangle of person: activation of the attachment system and linkages
- Mechanisms of transformation
- Moment to Moment Tracking, Theory
- The importance of a clinical map
- Problems & goals
- Understanding the triangle of conflict and its relationship to the triangle person
- Focusing on the front of the system
- Distinguishing anxiety from defense
- Moment to moment tracking, Technique
- Maintaining an internal, experiential focus
- Keeping patient motivation high
- Avoiding therapist agenda/ polarization/ misalliance
- Technical principles for precise moment-to-moment tracking
- Understanding resistance and defenses
- Understanding the function of resistance and defenses
- Defenses against feeling versus defenses against connection
- Syntonic versus dystonic defenses
- Defensive exclusion
- Clearing the path
- Defense clarification
- Defense recognition
- Validation
- Cost
- Function
- Fork in the road; transformance, the healthy alternative
- Defense restructuring
- Affirmative/implicit versus explicit defense work
- Defense relinquishing techniques, traffic cop
- 3 systems of resistance
- Understanding anxiety
- Anxiety physiology and pathways
- Anxiety thresholds, window of tolerance
- Healthy versus unhealthy anxiety
- Understanding dysregulation
- Anxiety regulation
- Anxiety regulation techniques
- Increasing anxiety tolerance
- Building emotional capacity
- Understanding affect facilitation
- Components of affect, the ladder of the emotion
- Maintaining an experiential focus
- Conflicted feelings versus mixed, complex feelings
- The role of guilt, shame and fear
- Emotional breakthroughs & unlockings
- Leading versus following
- Right brain focus
- Linkages to the past
- Working with feelings toward the therapist (transference and real)
- Metaprocessing
- Emotional breakthroughs
- Portrayals
- Accessing unconscious material
- Undoing defensive exclusion: becoming whole by welcoming back disavowed aspects of self
- Importance of insight and consolidation: rewriting the narrative
Meet the Presenter

Steve Shapiro, PhD
Steve Shapiro, PhD, is a clinical psychologist who maintains a full-time private practice in suburban Philadelphia and has over twenty years clinical and teaching experience. He has been practicing various forms of Experiential Dynamic Therapy (EDT), such as Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP), since the mid-1990’s. He is a founding member of the AEDP Institute and has been studying with Dr. Diana Fosha, the developer of AEDP, since 2003 Dr. Shapiro conducts lectures, workshops and ongoing training internationally. His presentations are often commended for translating complex clinical theory into clear, precise, and practical techniques which are easily understandable and readily applied immediately in clinical settings by therapists of all orientations. (Read More…)Location, Dates and Times:
Location: Online via ZOOM
Dates and Times:
10 Thursdays | November 2023 – July 2024
11:00 AM to 2:00 PM EST (3 hours)
November 2, 2023, December 7, 2023, January 11, 2024, February 8, 2024, February 29, 2024, March 28, 2024, April 25, 2024, May 23, 2024, June 20, 2024, July 11, 2024
Important Note – Read this before you register:
This is not an AEDP training. The webinar includes fundamentals of all Experiential Dynamic Therapies (EDTs) including AEDP and Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP). These approaches have many similarities but also important differences which may not be specified during the training. We have found that individuals who are new to AEDP sometimes find this challenging. Please read the description closely to determine if this course is a good fit for you.
AEDP Members $1,599 USD (log in to register)
AEDP Members Payment Plan $1,649 USD requires $500 deposit due at registration (5 monthly installments of $229.80 will automatically start one month from your registration date)
Non-Members $1,649 USD
Non- Members Payment Plan: $1,699 USD requires $500 deposit due at registration (5 monthly installments of $239.80 will automatically start one month from your registration date)
Non-Members $1,649 USD
Non- Members Payment Plan: $1,699 USD requires $500 deposit due at registration (5 monthly installments of $239.80 will automatically start one month from your registration date)
Scholarships are available. To learn more and apply, please go here.
Course Credit
AEDP Certification: This course does not count toward AEDP certification.
Continuing Education: This program is generally eligible for 27.5 CE hours of continuing professional development credit. CE Pending. Email for information.
ADA Accommodations | Attendance | Refund Policy | Questions
Disability Access: If you require ADA accommodations please contact Marilia Rodriguez, or call 813-553-1294 thirty days or more before the event so we can be sure to accommodate you.
Attendance and Makeup Policy & Refunds:
Course and all customer service related questions:
Please contact Customer Service Administrator
Marilia Rodriguez